194) Delany's (The Knocklyon Inn) of Knocklyon Road, D16

delaneys knock.jpg

Knocklyon’s pink pub and seen even in the dark at a distance. Home to an excellent pint of stout, Beamish or Guinness. A comforting fire warms in winter. Now retired barman Padraig is a loss. Former lounge girl Lorraine exemplified the efficiency of speed at which liquid travels from tap to table. The only stain is manager Míchéal, bespectacled with the pair perched dangerously close to the top of his conk. Like a mad king in his castle he needlessly and publicly barks orders at his younger staff. Nevertheless, Sam was so taken by the quality of the poured stout that an additional tipple was gladly taken and gulped down in record time. 

Update Feb 2022: A revisit for a post Covid Beamo yielded excellent results. The Beamish bonded for only €4.60 and a scrawly hand written sign confirmed the price. Andrew Stephens declared it one of the finest pints he had ever tasted, even giving The Blue Haven a run for its money. On approaching the pub we noticed that some juvenile joker had robbed the “N” from the pub sign leaving a very evocative name indeed (see below)…

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195) The Blue Haven of Ballyroan Road, D16


193) Morton's (Harry’s Bar), The Firhouse Inn of Firhouse Road, D24