245) The Bald Eagle of Phibsborough Road, D7

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Very dark and very costly and very much a trendy foodie-friendly wannabe, not as well established as its numerous city centre counterparts. The only sunlight (and faint interest) can be gleaned from the beer garden during the daytime, which boasts two sets of traffic lights facing each other – but this is scraping the bottom of the barrel. It would appear to have aspirations to be the Bernard Shaw of D7 – fittingly enough, the real Bernard Shaw pub shall be transported wholesale into the vicinity as of November 2019 (following the closure of the building on Richmond Street), taking up the premises currently occupied by the Whitworth Porterhouse, just across the canal from the Bald Eagle. The ensuing competition shall be fierce.

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246) The Brian Boru/Hedigan's of Prospect Road, Glasnevin, D9


244) The Hut (Mohan's) of Phibsborough Road, D7