204) The Beachcomber of Howth Road, D3


A capacious bar and lounge conjoined as twins. This is quite a dark pub in the heart of Killester. Founded in 1963 by Jack Duignan, it still displays the family name over the doors. Home to a well poured pint and is not impartial to extending last orders by a round or two. Unfortunately, there’s a new addition of a foul fish restaurant overhead and a spiral staircase at the back of the pub swivels upwards into it. Many patrons now call in an order and have the food brought down to chomp at the bar. Staff are friendly, and a loan of a daily newspaper is provided whilst you sup. If practice is required for any young budding pintmen out there, this isn’t a bad place to start as last orders are often elongated for those in the need of it.

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205) Connolly’s Bar - The Sheds of Clontarf Road, D3


203) Harry Byrnes of Howth Road, Clontarf, D3