407) The Saint of St. Vincent’s Street West, Inchicore, D8


Which saint? Vincent (the address), or Patrick (super St. Pat’s Athletic)? This premises formerly operated under the name of Timothy Crough’s. Though highly praised by the barman of Slatterys of Beggars Bush (who particularly extolled the cheapness of the pint, which he thought at the time the cheapest in Dublin), we ourselves avoided it, put off by what seemed to us a sinister and uninviting exterior.

Flash forward some seven years and we found the place transformed, and altogether friendlier. Upon our entry, we were reminded of our city’s smallness - in quick succession, we glimpsed, not just Tom Mathews of Grogans fame, but also a former barman-cum-customer of our beloved Lord Edward (it being a Monday, he looked to be having a few here before taking himself off to the other establishment for the Cards Night). The Saint, as it is known today, is large and spacious. The Guinness is Five Euros and Forty Cents, since anywhere off-centre is sure to be a smidgen more economical. The vibe is very food-friendly, with expansive menus boasting costly burgers as well as toasties and pizzas. An off-license sits to the side, as well as a Coffee Centre for a punter wanting a caffeine shot. A St. Pat’s jersey was prominently framed. Crafty beer on tap is abundantly available. A snooker table and a foosball table are present to cater to any needs in that sporty direction, the better to work up a thirst.

S.C. This has been an entry of the most comprehensive banality.

A.S. I concur, but perhaps, to help, the reader might like some visual stimulus in the form of a poster we found within:

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408) The Grattan of Grattan Crescent, Inchicore, D8


406) Coopers Corner of Bow Bridge, St. James’, D8